For full details of how to use and codes see the ‘How To Use’ section

Variety appears with the selling name and in brackets any international registered name and alternative selling names.  In brackets the date of introduction followed by, in brackets classification colour group number and then the fragrance code.  Growers 3 letter codes and number then follow to get their full details look at the Grower section.

I Am MacMillan (Harteller) (2015) (f) 12 v Cur2.

Iceberg (Korbin a.k.a Fée des Neiges; Schneewittchen; Schneeuwwitje) (1958) (f) 1 v Apu2 Aus2 Ayl1 Bay2 Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Cot1 Cpn4  Crc2 Cur2 Fry2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Hdy1 Hpn1 Jon2 Lay2 Poc2 Psn2 Rog2 Rum2 Sea1* Str2 Buy this from Sty1 Wha4 Wis4. Climbing (1968)Apu2 Aus2 Ayl1 Bay2 Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Cot1 Cpn4  Crc2 Cur2 Fry2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Hdy1 Hpn1 Jon2 Lay2 Poc2 Psn2 Rog2 Rum2 Sea1* Str2  Wha4 Wht1 Wis4. Standard  Bls1 Coc Cpn4 Crc2 Poc2.Cur2  Fry2* Gdy3 Gfn4 Hdy1 Hpn1 Jon2 Lay2 Poc2 Rum2 Str2 Buy this from Sty1 Wha4 Wis4. Half Standard Bls1 Coc3  Fry2* Gdy3 Gfn4 Hpn1 Rum2 Buy this from Sty1

Ice Cream (Korzuri a.k.a. Memoire; Memory) (1992) (h) 1 k  Aus2 Ayl1 Bay2 Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Cra1 Crc2 Gdy3 Hdy1  Lay2 Poc2 Rum2 Wis4.Standard Hdy1

Ice Dance (Harfacet) 2012) (p/s) 1 v. No grower 2024-2025.

Illusion (1961) (c) 14 k Crc2 Poc2

Ilse Krohn Superior (1964) (s) 1 k Bls1.

Imogen (Austrich) (2016) (e) 2 v Aus2  .Standard Aus2

Impératrice Farah (Delivour a.k.a Empress Farah; Strawberry Parfait) (1992) (h) 11 k No grower 2024-2025.

Impératrice Josephine see:  Empress Josephine

Impressionist see: Purple Tiger

Impulse (Tan02584) (2006) (h) 8 F No grower 2024-2025.

I Candi (Dicretro) (2020) (f) k Dic2.

Incense Rose see: Rosa Primula.

Incognito (Brlincog) (1995) m/p 16/3 v Rog2.

Indianna Mae (2007) (s) 16+9 k Bls1.

Indian Summer (Peaperfume a.k.a. Sweet Perfume) (1991) (h) 8 p Apu2 Bay2 Bnt3 Coc3 Cot1 Cpn4 Crc2 Fry2 Gdy3 Poc2 Wis4.

Indigo (C1830) (P)16 k Aus2 Bls1  Wht1.

Ingrid (Maning) (2005) (mf) 15/3 v Rog2.

Ingrid Bergman (Poulman) (1985) (h) 15 v Apu2  Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Cra1 Crc2 Cur2 Fry2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Hdy1 Hpn1 Jon2 Lay2 Poc2 Psn2 Rog2 Rum2 Sea1* Str2.Wht1 Wis4. Standard Bls1 Fry2* Hdy1 Hpn1 Rum2

Innes Sastre see: Raspberry Cream Twirl

Innocence see: County of Yorkshire

Inspiration see Susan Jellicoe

Inspiration (Nor19597) (2013) (h) 12+3 v  Ayl1 Bls1Wha4

Inspiration – The WI Centenary Rose see: Inspire

Inspire (Frytempo a.k.a. Inspiration – The WI Centenary Rose (2014) (h) 6/2 k   CotCra1 Crc2  Jon2 Poc2  Standard Crc2 Poc2.

Intermezzo (1963) (h) 16 k No grower 2024-2025.

In The Mood see: Prince Caspian

Intrigue (Korlech a.k.a. Lavaglut) (1979) (f) 15 F Hdy1 Rog2.

Invincible (Runatru) (1983) (f) 14 F Cur2 . Standard Cur2

Ipsilanté (1821) (ga) 10 v No grower 2024-2025.

Irene’s Delight (1982) (h) 13 p Rog2

Irene’s Perfume (2023) (s) 15 k Buy this from Sty1

Irene R (Bekiwi) (2021) (s) 10 v Bls1.

Irene Watts (CH) (1896)1+9 F Bls1 Crc2 Poc2 Wht1

Iridescent Pink (2012) (s) 10 G No grower 2024-2025.

Iris (Coczero) (2006) (h) 12 k No grower 2024-2025.

Irish Beauty see: Elizabeth of Glamis

Irish Eyes (Dicwitness) (1999) (f) 5+14 v ROTY 2000 Apu2  Bay2 Bls1 Bnt3. Coc3  CotCpn4   Gdy3 Gfn4 Hdy1 Lay2 Psn2 Rum2 Str2 Buy this from Sty1  Wis4. Standard Hdy1  Miniature Standard Cpn4.

Irish Gold see: Grandpa Dickson

Irish Hope (Horexclaim) (2023) (f) 2 k Cra1 Crc2 Poc2

Irish Wonder see: Evelyn Fison

Irresistable (Tinresist) (1989) (m) 1+9 k Rog2.

Isabel see: Isabella

Isabella (Poulisab a.k.a Isabel; Isabelle) (1998) (s) 15 v Apu2 Coc3 Gdy3 Gfn4  Wht1

Isabella Rossellini see: Wedding Celebration

Isabella Sprunt (1865) (h)3 v No grower 2024-2025.

Isabelle see: Isabella

Isabelle Autissier (Adasilthé) (2000) (h) 11 or 5 G No grower 2024-2025.

Isadora see: Layla

Isis see: Silver Anniversary

Isla  (Poulren021) (2011) (s) 13 k Wht1

Island of Fire see: Chilterns

Isn’t She Lovely (Diciluvit)) (2009) (h) 2+11 k GSR  Bls1 Coc3 Dic2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Rog2 Standard Coc3 Gdy3 Gfn4 Buy this from Sty1

Isobel Harkness (1957) (h) 3 k.No grower 2024-2025.

Ispahan (a.k.a. Pompon des Princes) (P1832) (D) 13 k  Aus2 Bls1 Coc3 Crc2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Poc2 Rog2 Wht1

It’s A Wonderful Life  (Dictwix) (2021) (f/s) 12 k R.O.T.Y 2023) Bls1    Bnt3  Coc3   CotCpn4   Cra1 Dic2 Fry2  Gdy3 GfnJon2.RumSea1* Str2 Wha4 Wis4. Standard Crc2 Poc2.Rum2

It’s Magic see: Gt. Expectations

Ivor’s Rose (Beadonald) (2004) (s) 16 k Ayl1 Bls1 Wha4.

Ivory Castle (Guesoverlay) (2007) (c) 2 p Cra1 Crc2 Poc2 Sea1*

Ivory Romantica (Meisebeyla) (2013) (h) 1 p Coc3 Gdy3 Gfn4.

Ivory Silk (2001 UK 2009) (m) 4 v No grower 2024-2025.