For full details of how to use and codes see the ‘How To Use’ section

Variety appears with the selling name and in brackets any international registered name and alternative selling names.  In brackets the date of introduction followed by, in brackets classification colour group number and then the fragrance code.  Growers 3 letter codes and number then follow to get their full details look at the Grower section.

Octavia Hill (Harzeal) (1995) (f) 10 k  Fry2 Wht1Standard  Hpn1

Odelia  (Poulren031)(2017) (s) 8 k Bay2

Odorata (a.k.a. Humes’ Blush) (1810) (CH) 1+9 p Wht1.

Odyssey (Franski) (2001) (f) 16 p Cra1Crc2 Jon2 Poc2 Rog2 Buy this from Sty1

Oeillet Parfait (1841) (ga) 10 G No grower 2023-2024

Officinalis (a.k.a. Apothecary’s Rose; Red Rose of Lancs; Rosa Gallica Officinalis) (P1200) (ga) 13 k  Aus2  Ayl1   Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Crc2 Gdy3 Jon2 Lay2 Poc2 Rog2 Sea1* Wha4 Wht1.

Oh Wow! (Wekspitrib) (2013) (c) 16/2+3 v Apu2 Coc3 Cra1 Crc2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Jon2 Poc2 Sea1* Str2 Buy this from Sty1 Wis4.

Oklahoma (1968) (h) 15 p Climbing No grower 2024-2025.

Oksana (Wisoks) (2001) (h) 11 p Rog2.

Ol’Blue Eyes (James) (2009) (Janes) h) 10/6 k  Bnt3  CocCra1  Crc2 Gdy3 Jon2  Poc2

Old Blush China (a.k.a. Common Blush China; Old Pink Monthly; Parsons Pink China) (1751) (CH) 10 v Aus2 Bls1 Coc3 Cra1Crc2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Poc2 Rog2 Wht1. Climbing Bls1.

Old Crimson China (a.k.a Benagle Rose; Rosa Chinensis Semperflorens) (1790) (CH) 13 v Bls1 Cra1

Old Glory see: Glorie de Dijon

Old John (Dicwillynilly) (1998) (f) 8 k Bay2.

Old Pink Monthly see: Old Blush China

Old Pink Moss see: Common Moss

Old Port (Mackati) (1990) (f) 16 p   Wis4. Standard Wis4.

Old Red Moss see: Red Moss

Old Rosemary see: Roseraie de l’Hay

Old Spanish Rose see: Russelliana

Old Velvet Moss see: William Lobb

Old Velvet Rose see: Tuscany

Old Yellow Scotch (?) (s) 4 v Bls1.

Olivia  (Poulren040)  (2020) (s) 6 k Wht1.

Olivia (Wekquahofa a.k.a. Ruffles & Flourishes) (2008) (h) 10 p   Jon2.

Olivia Rose (Wisnewt; Wisnut) (2013) (m/f) 16 G Rog2.

Olivia Rose Austin (Ausmixture) (2014) (e) 10 p GSR Aus2 Ayl1 Jon2  Buy this from Sty1 Standard Aus2.

Olivera see: Zara

Olympic Flame (a.k.a. Red Facade) (2012) (c) 14 F Ayl1 Wha4.

Olympic Spirit (Peaprince) (1988) (f) 8 v Cur2.

Omar Khayyam (1894) (D) 13 k  Bls1 Rog2 Wht1.

Omeiensis Pteracantha see: Rosa Sericea Pteracantha.

One In A Million (Poulren 024 a.k.a Capricia) (2015) (h/s) 14 v   Ayl1  Bay2 Coc3 Cra1 Crc2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Poc2 Buy this from Sty1 Wis4. Standard Coc3 Gdy3 Gfn4 Buy this from Sty1  Half Standard  Sty1.

One Love (Fryyulo) (2015) (h) 16 G    Ayl1   Bls1. Wha4.

Onwards and Upwards (Chewlittlelaura) (2020) (MC) 12 k Jon2.

Ooh La La (Gueso5-64) (2018) (f) 2+10 v Buy this from Sty1

Oops A Daisy (Gues 11-13) (2022) (f) 1+2 v Buy this from Sty1.

Open Arms (Chewpixcel a.ka. Coral Sea) (1996) (MC) 9 k Apu2 Aus2 Ayl1 Bay2 Bls1 Coc3 Cpn4 Cra1 Crc2 Fry2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Hdy1 Jon2 Lay2 Poc2 Rum2 Sea1*. Weeping Standard Hdy1.

Ophelia (1912) (h) 9 k Wht1Climbing (1920)Aus2 Bls1 Wht1.

Orange Blossom Special (Jacmod;Smi52-02) (2014) (MC) 8 k Buy this from Sty1

Orange Sensation (1961) (f) 8 k Aus2 Cpn4  Psn2 Rog2. Standard  Rum2.

Oranges & Lemons (Macoranlem) (1997) (f) 3/6 v  Aus2 Bay2 Bls1 Coc3  Cpn4 Gdy3 Gfn4 Jon2 Rum2 Sea1* Str2 Buy this from Sty1 Wis4. Standard Cpn4 Rum2. Wis4. Half Standard Rum2.

Orange Sunblaze Meijikatar p.k.a. Sunblaze) (1982) (m) 8 v Cpn4 Rum2 Str2. Half Standard Rum2.

Climbing Orange Sunblaze (Meiji Katarsar) (1988) (MC) 8 v Bay2 Cpn4.

Orange Triumph (1937) (f) 8 F No grower 2023-2024

Orchid Romantica (Rodprov) (2024) (f) 10 p Wha4.

Orienta Aladdin (Tan15506) (2020)(c)  16 v Crc2 Poc2

Orient Express (1978) (h) 8 p No grower 2024-2025.

Oriental Djamila see:  Believe In Yourself

Oriental Magnolia (2023) (f) 9 k Crc2 Poc2

Ormiston Roy (1953) (s) 4 F Aus2.

Orpheline de Juillet (a.k.a. Juliette; July’s Orphen) (1836) (Ga) 16 G Rog2.

Othello (Auslo) (1986) (e) 15 p Cpn4 Wht1 Wis4.

Our Angel see :  Our Angel Clare

Our Angel Clare (ES 12-1-04 a.k.a Our Angel ) (2019) (h) No growers 2023-2024

Our Beth (Beacarol) (2007) (s) 10 k Ayl1 Bls1 Wha4.

Our Brian (Wekx965-1) (2018) (h) 7 v Jon2.

Our Carol (Wekwhemll) (2021) (h) 9 k Jon2.

Our Dream (2007) (p)2 v Ayl1 Bls1 Wha4.

Our Endeavour (Bra063-Endeavour) (1996) (f) F Rog2.

Our George (Kirrush) (1999) (p) 7/4 G Jon2.

Our Jubilee (Coccages p.k.a. Country Heritage) (1988) (h) 8 v Bay2

Our Jane (Horengland) (2001) (h) 5 v Rog2.

Our Len (Scrivoul) (2023) (f) 16 v GSR Jon2

Our Liz (Raw2707) (2023) (f) 2/9 k Buy this from Sty1.

Our Millie (2014) (h) 1 G Rog2.

Our Molly (Dicreason a.k.a. Bright Eyes) (1994) (gc/s) 14 v   Dic2   Jon2.

Our Rose (2012) (s) 3 k Wht1.

Our Special Special Girl (Raw16 1130 a.k.a. Penni Our Special Girl) (2019) (f) 1/16 k Buy this from Sty1

Out Of The Blue (Simblue) (2016) (f) 16/1 k No growers 2023-2024

Over The Moon (Oraclelun) (2008) (h) 6 G Rog2

Oxana (Dicovadatop) (2017) (f) 10 k Dic2

Oxford see: L’Aimant

Oxford Physic Rose (Beaquality) (2022) (s) 9 k Bls1 Wha4

Oxfordshire (Korfullwind a.ka. Baby Blanket: Country Lass: Summer Morning) (1991) (gc) 9 G Rum2

Ozeana (Tan11616) (2018) (c) 16    Ayl1 Bls1 Cra1 Crc2 Poc2 Wha4