For full details of how to use and codes see the ‘How To Use’ section

Variety appears with the selling name and in brackets any international registered name and alternative selling names.  In brackets the date of introduction followed by, in brackets classification colour group number and then the fragrance code.  Growers 3 letter codes and number then follow to get their full details look at the Grower section.

Kailani see:-  Little Angel

Kalmar see: Lazy Days

Karen (Franpur) (2014 (m) 16+9   F Jon2.

Karen (Gueshead) (2022) (f) (f) 16 k Buy this from Sty1

Karen Blixen see Silver Anniversary

Karlani see: Little Angel

Karlsruhe (1957) (c) 13 k No grower 2023-2024.

Kasteel Hex (2913) (s) 16/14 p Bls1.

Katazina see:  Lily

Kate Chillingworth  (Dicwatch) (2021) (f) 5+11  G Dic 2

Katherina Zeimet (a.k.a White Baby) (1901) (pl) 1 F Aus2  Rog2 Wht1.

Katherine (Poulren027) (2016) (s) 14 k Cra1 Crc2 Cur2 Poc2. Wht1.

Katherine Mansfield see: Charles de Gaulle

Kathleen (1922) (HM) 9 k Bls1 Wht1.

Kathleen Ferrier (1955) (f/s) 12 k Psn2

Kathleen Harrop (1956) (c/s) 10 k Aus2 Bls1 Coc3 Cra1 Crc2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Poc2 Psn2 Rog2   Wht1

Kathleen’s Rose (Kirkitt) (1986) (f) 7+11 F    Jon2.

Kathryn (Rawkat; Raw923) (2011) (f) 16 G  Rog2.

Katie see: Sparking Burgundy

Katie  (Raw1007) (2022) (f) 13 v Buy this from Sty1

Katie’s Rose (2013) (f)  15 v Wht1.

Katrina (2020) (f) 10 k Wht1.

Kay Hamilton (2012) (h) 11 k No grower 2023-2024

Kazanlik (a.k.a. Rosa Damascena Trigintipeta; Trogontipetala) (P1700) (D) 10 p  Bls1 Rog2 Wht1.

Keep In Touch (Hardrama a.k.a. Michel Strogoff) (1999) (f) 14 G.No recommended grower 2023-2024.

Keep Smiling (Fryflorida a.k.a. My Lovely Mum) (2005) (h) 4 k Ayl1 Bls1 Bnt3  Coc3 Cra1 Crc2 Fry2 Gdy3 Lay2 Poc2 Rum2  Str2 Wha4. Wis4. Standard & Half Standard Rum2

Keith Maughham (2009) (c)6/2 k Ayl1 Bls1.

Kent (Poulcov a.k.a. Pyrenees; Sparkler; Sparkling White; White Cover) (1988) (gc/p) 1 v Apu2 Bls1 Bnt3  Coc3 Cra1 Crc2 Cur2 Fry2 Gdy3 Gfn4  Jon2 Lay2 Poc2 Psn2 Rum2 Sea1* Str2  Wht1 Wis4. Weeping Standard/speciality Standard see note one on How to Uses section Coc3 Gdy3 Gfn4 Rum2.. Quarter Weeping/speciality Standard Rum2. Patio Standard Str2

Keros (Harpacific) (2013) (s) 1 k. No recommended grower 2023-2024.

Ketcup & Mustard see: Snazzee

Kew Gardens (Ausfence) (2010) (e) 1 F GSR Aus2  Ayl1  Cra1 Jon2

Kew Rambler (1913) (c) 13 F  Aus2 Bls1 Cra1 Crc2 Poc2 Rog2 Wht1.

Kiftsgate see: Filipes ‘Kiftsgate’.

Kiftsgate Superior (2011 a.k.a Rosa Filipes Kiftsgate Superior) (s) 1 k Bls1 Wht1.

Kim (1973) (f/p) 5 v  Rog2.

Kind Regards (Peatiger) (1995) (f) 14 k  Coc3 Gdy3 Gfn4.

King Arthur see: Samaritan

King’s Macc (Frydisco) (2003) (h) 2 p Aus2

King’s Ransom (1961) (h) 3 v Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Cur2  Gdy3 Gfn4 Psn2 Rum2

King Tut see: Laura Ford

Kisses of Fire (Chewmultiseek) (2014) (MC/c) 8 F Bnt3 Coc3  Gdy3

Kiss Me Kate (Kornagelio) (2018) (c) 9 k  Bls1 Coc3  Crc2  Gdy3 Gfn4.Poc2 Sea1* Wis4.

Kitty Hawk (1986) (m) 11 F No grower 2023-2024.

Kitty’s Rose (Beaarty) (2004) (f) 12 v Bls1.

Knirps see: County of Hampshire

Knock Out (Radrazz, Radler) (1999) (f/gc) 14 v Coc3 Cra1 Crc2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Poc2.

Koko Loko (Wekbijou) (2012) (h) 17 k Bls1 Coc3 Crc2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Jon2. Poc2 Buy this from Sty1

Kolo (Poulcy033) (2016) (MC) 16 F .

Königin von Dšnemark (a.k.a. Queen of Denmark) (1826) (a) 9+10 k Aus2 Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Cpn4 Crc2 Gdy3 Poc2 Rum2 Str2 Wht1

Kordes Magenta see: Magenta.

Kordes Robusta see: Robusta.

Korona (Kornita) (1955) (f) 8 v Rog2.

Korresia (Friesia a.k.a. Sunsprite) (1977) (f) 4 p Apu2 Aus2 Ayl1 Bay2 Bls1 Bnt3 B Coc3 Cpn4 Cra1 Crc2 Cur2 Fry2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Hdy1  Jon2 Lay2 Poc2 Psn2 Rog2 Rum2 Str2 Wha4 Wis4. Standard Bls1 Coc3 Cpn4 Cur2 Gdy3 Gfn4  Lay2  Rum2 Str2

Kristin (Benmagic) (1992 UK 2007) (m) 14/1 F Rog2.

Kronborg see: Red Castle

Kronenbourg (a.k.a Flaming Peace) (1966) (h) 14/3 F 1 Psn2

Kronprincess Mary (Poulcas08 also under Mary) (2004 UK 2015) (s/f) 1 k Bay2 Coc3  Cra1 Crc2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Poc2. Wht1.

Kronprinzessin Viktoria (b) (1887) 2 v  Wht1.

K T Jungman  (h) Bay2

Kyra’s Kisses (Horripple) (2007) (f) 14/13 G Rog2.